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Student/Parent/Visitor Grievance Process

Smiling student

香港6合开奖结果Comprehensive Alternative Resolution & Equity Team (CARE)

The Comprehensive Alternative Resolution & Equity (CARE) Team is responsible for receiving claims of discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, or any unfair treatment a student, parent or visitor encounters at a 香港6合开奖结果Public School. The CARE team collaborates with school staff to resolve issues in a timely, equitable and comprehensive manner. #香港6合开奖结果PSCARES

Kids and parents talking in a classroomHow do I file a grievance?

Share your concern with the Grievance Point of Contact or Principal at your school.

If you need help communicating your concerns, or you would like to share your concerns with the CARE team, please use one of the methods below:



Send your concern via email to [email protected]


Call us directly at

(202) 442-5405


Three kids in a school hallwayWhat to expect

Day 1-2: Agency acknowledgement of grievance

Day 3-9: Investigation and resolution

Day 10: Issuance of letter of resolution to reporting party with outcome


I am a student and need immediate help …


Kids listening in a classroomStudents and parents/guardians are entitled to a number of rights while being served by 香港6合开奖结果PS, including the right against discrimination. The following documents outline your rights as a 香港6合开奖结果student:



Bullying [PDF]




Title IX and Civil Rights Manager
Compliance and Policy Division
District of Columbia Public Schools
1200 First St, NE, 9th Floor
Washington, 香港6合开奖结果20002
(202) 442-5405
[email protected]

Section 504 Program Specialist
Office of Student Wellness
District of Columbia Public Schools
1200 First St, NE, 9th Floor
Washington, 香港6合开奖结果20002
(202) 442-5405
[email protected]

Students, parents and guardians with concerns may also file a grievance with any of the following external agencies:

Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, 香港6合开奖结果20202
Telephone: 1(800) 421-3481
TDD: (877) 521-2172
Fax: (202) 245-6840
Email: [email protected]

香港6合开奖结果Office of Human Rights
441 4th Street, NW, Suite 570N
Washington, 香港6合开奖结果20001
(202) 727-4559